Friday, April 27, 2012

Fido in the field = Rolling Thunder

With winters grip holding tightly today and water levels very high, we opted to do some work on the river. I'm not sure how smart this was but we did save some work for a day with lower water levels.

As the weeks have past, most of my days have consisted of fishing, dog training and all of the other healthy stuff that makes up the wildlife.

Dog training and dogs is something we live here, with a focus on the Field Retriever and Flushing Dog training.

With air temps nice and cool for running Retrievers on long retrieves, I contemplate the option of running a wonderful k9 companion at my feet. These retrieves will be put on by the Lake Champlain Retriever Club (LCRC) and hosted by Peaceable Hill Pheasant Preserve and Hatchery. Both the club and the preserve are on my links page at This event is the annual LCRC singles competition and the event is a lot of fun and judged on the dogs' ability to remember were a single retrieve fell, regardless of distance. Retrieves can end up falling at distances as long as 400 yds.

I always love the people and the dogs in the field dog world. The bonus is the location, as I am a dog handler at this top notch preserve, owned by great people.

Whether your a hunter or just a dog lover, check this stuff out at LCRC. These dogs cant do anything but think about retrieving 24-7.Great stuff!

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